Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Anxiously waiting for April…

March has not been an easy month for me. It was not easy last year. It is not easy this year. So, I just hope that March finish soon. My countdown began…

I was surprised to realize that my 2009 march was as complicated as my 2010 March. 2008 does not count because I was in Canada fulfilling my dream.

But the month of March in my two previous years have been…. How to define them? They were month of decisions, changes and growth. Emotional revolutionaries.

I started to think that could be an astrological connection between March and my feelings. Do you believe in Astrology? Yesterday, a friend told me that stars and my horoscope sign are the responsible of having a month so emotionally complicated. Basically he said, 45 days previous your birthday, you will feel strange, rare, unusual. He could be right but I could not find yet any proven theory that valid his argument.

Since I have been feeling ups and downs, going through a stressing period of time at work and home, I received two really nice suggestions:

1. Think Pink!

Every time you feel down, sad, depressed, just think pink, which means think positive, watch the other side of the coin, something good could grow up from the bad soil. So, think pink. Pink is powerful.

2. Protect Yourself.

Sometimes you feel very tired, exhausted of everything: routine, job, boss, building manager, etc. you are run out of patience and at the point of exploiting, crying or overwhelming by the circumstances. In those moments, it is time to say No. Say ‘no’to everything that make us feel bad. We need to protect ourselves and think about us just to get strong again. Never let anybody to hurt you anyhow.

Thanks to the people who reminded me these two nice rules of life.
I will be prepare to face next March, 2011 .

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