Friday, 5 June 2009

20 Marketing Principles...

  1. The Marketing programs that succeed are built over trends not novelties.
  2. Marketing is not a fight of products, it is a war of perceptions.
  3. It is better to be the first than to be the best.
  4. If you cannot be the first in one category, you should create a new category where you can be the first.
  5. It is better to be the first in the customer´s mind than in the selling point.
  6. The most important principle in every marketing strategy is to have ONE WORD in people´s mind.
  7. Two companies cannot have the same word in people´s mind.
  8. The strategy to apply depends on the place you occupy in the ladder.
  9. The price is always in the customer´s mind. The costumer establish the price according to the value he/she gives to the product or service.
  10. In the course of time, each market become a race between only 2 participants.
  11. If you choose to be the second, your strategy will be determined by the leader.
  12. In the course of time, one category will divide into 2 or more categories.
  13. Marketing is a long term issue.
  14. There is some irrestible pressure that leads us to the expansion of the brand.
  15. You always have to give something in order to get something else.
  16. For every feature, there is an opposite one as effective as the first.
  17. When you admitt something negative from your part, the potential customer will give you something positive.
  18. In each situation, only one move might produce important outcomes.
  19. Success is always behind arrogancy and arrogancy will lead you to failure.
  20. The failure should be expected and accepted.

Notes taken in a Marketing Course.

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