Tuesday, 12 May 2009

The human face of globalization: 6 Billions Others´ Project

Who is in the other side of the world? How he/she thinks? How they live? What do we how in common? How we feel about...? Let´s see. There are 8 billions other out there. 8 Billions Others. We are not alone.


The world has become global. What you do in Manhattan could affect Buenos Aires, Tokio or New Delhi. Business has being done globaly too. What is designed in France, it is made in Indonesia, China or Taiwan but it is finally sold everywhere worldwide. Pollution does not impact to a local community anymore. On the contrary, pollution of US, Europe or Latinamerica contributes to increase global warming, a real dangerous enviromental issue. Wars are still held in many places disabling human life development and organization and terrorism has become the new invisible enemy.

We are globalizated. No doubt about that. Internet and the communicational technologies has changed the size of the world. The world itself has become smaller but everybody´s own world and opportunities have increased. Now, we can go from one point of the globe to the other in a few hours, we can see what is going on in Siberia at real time and we can be in touch instanstaneously with all our contacts all around the world. We are extremely well communicated but do we really communicate to each other? What do we really know about the people that lives in the world, crossing our own boundaries?

We talked about business, enviroment, wars and techological advance. However, behind all these issues there are people. Why do not we talk about them? Where is the human face of globalization?

Here it is. 6 Billions Others.

6 Billions Others is a wonderful proyect made by Yann Arthus-Bertrand, a wellknown french photographer, who wanted to see the world through the testimony of their inhabitants.

He travelled around the world asking people questions about life, love, chilhood, lessons, memories, etc.

He puts the humanity into the scene... and when you watch and see the different testimonies of people you do not know and live far away from your home, you realized that you are not actually so far, they think and feel just like you.

6 Billions Others makes us see that we cry or laugh at the same things and that we can learn a lot from each other. Experiences of life, wothy testimonies, a message to the world. Finally, someone showed the human face of globalization

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