Friday, 27 March 2009

The Wheel of Life

Sometimes I think that Life is like a Wheel. But not any wheel. Life is like a wheel without axis. To make it works, we have to push it. The movement only depends on us.

When we want to get something, we need to make the first step. This first step will put the wheel into movement. And then, we need to keep the feedback active in order to not get stuck.
Sometimes, this feedback does not only depends on us. An answer, a reply, a response from someone else might be needed. However, what depend on us is to ask, re ask, demand an answer or a reason to our request. We do not have to pretend a "yes" but we do have to expect a feedback. The feedback will allow you to know to push your wheel, with which intensity and with which course.

It is always good that the wheel keeps moving because it shows that you are living. When the wheel is stuck, there sis a problem that need to be solved.
Lfe is like a wheel. If there is a wheel, there is a path. What you only have to do is to push it. You might need a big effort at first, but once the wheel is moving, it can go further and further by itself and could let you arrive to unimagible places. Trace your path and push your wheel.

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