Monday, 30 June 2008

The debt has been cancelled :)

The debt has been cancelled.

I have inner peace now.

It is very hard to live when you are in debt with you, when you have a pending dream.

An overseas trip was that for me.

I have been dreaming ten years about it. Finally, I got what I wanted.

It is like what Steve Jobs said: the dots always connect, but you can only connect them looking backwards, not looking forward.

Looking backwards allows me to understand why I kept studying English during all this time, why I got my degree in International Relations, why I studied so hard that I became the first student in my class only to get an scholarship and finally why I won it. Those were my dots and now they have a meaning, they are connected.

I went to Canada. I studied English. I met wonderful people there. I did more than I could imagine. I fulfilled my dream.

I am in peace now.

The debt I had with me has been cancelled.

It’s time to dream again.

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