TheStar.com comment Keep Victoria's name
Keep Victoria's name
May 19, 2008 04:30 AM
TheStar.com comment Keep Victoria's name
Keep Victoria's name
May 19, 2008 04:30 AM
Today is known across the country (except Quebec) as "Victoria Day," in honour of the queen who reined for a record 64 years. But some have suggested the name is an anachronism and should be changed.
After all, it is argued, Victoria was a British queen who never even visited us, we are no longer a colony, and Canada in the 21st century is a multicultural country with a multitude of citizens for whom the old monarch holds no relevance.
Finally, it is noted somewhat triumphantly, not even the British celebrate a day in Victoria's name.
On the other side are these arguments: Victoria was the monarch who gave royal assent to the British North America Act, which created our nation in 1867, and who chose Ottawa as the capital. And while we are no longer a colony, we remain a dominion, with the Queen as our head of state. Furthermore, while we are now a far more diverse country than at the time of Confederation, many newer Canadians also come from former British colonies in the subcontinent (where Victoria was "empress"), Africa and the Caribbean. The monarchy is hardly strange to them.
As for the British not marking Victoria Day, so what? Think of it as something proudly and distinctly Canadian.
On too few occasions do we celebrate our history. Today is one of them. Take a moment to think of the past while enjoying the present.
What's open and closed Victoria Day
May 19, 2008 04:30 AM
- Banks, government offices and most shopping malls will be closed. There will be no mail delivery or pickup.
- All LCBO and The Beer Stores will be closed.
- The Eaton Centre will be open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Many stores and restaurants in Bloor-Yorkville will also be open, as will Vaughan Mills and Pacific Mall.
- The Royal Ontario Museum, Ontario Science Centre and CN Tower are open.
- The TTC will offer reduced service, except in the evening on the Bloor-Danforth subway line and on several east-end bus routes to take people to and from the fireworks display at Ashbridge's Bay Park that begins at 9:45 p.m.
- Ontario Place will hold fireworks at 9:30 p.m., weather permitting.
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