Monday, 31 March 2008

Niagara Falls

Just Beautiful!

Just Beautiful!

Behind the Scenes: the best part

Behind the Scene

Behind the Scene

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

English Phrases that I like

English Phrases that I like

Move your body and your heart will follow. This message was written in the mirrow of a fitness clothes store at Promenade Mall.

Emotion is motion. My brother Leandro taught me that phrase long time ago.

Have a healthy day. This message was written at the end of the bill at the Women Fitness Center, the gym that I joined.

Have a wonderful day. I heard this message in Mary’s answer machine. Mary is Guillermo’s ant. Guillermo is my brother’s friend. He was also “my boss” in MERCADO FITNESS. He is my friend, too. He is also a kind of big brother to me. But Leo, please, do not be jealous, you are still my first brother in my brother’s list :)

Blind leading blind. This is a phrase that Zev said to me when he was explaining me what he thinks about the process of teaching and learning to play golf. If you are not sure about something, you can not teach it. Otherwise, it would be a “blind leading blind” matter. It sounded funny to me.

If you want to learn to play golf, you will need PRACTICE and PATIENCE. Zev told me that in our conversation about Golf. Now, I am thinking in practicing this sport. It sounds very interesting. Zev transmits passion when he talks about it.

It is all about PRACTICE!. What would you need to do to improve in life? JUST PRACTICE! This is the favourite phrase of Kristina Laperle, my teacher in level 5a. Now, it is one of my favourite phrases too.

No matter how SMART you are, you can still do STUPID things. This was a Zev’s phrase in one of our conversations. Zev is a very good conversation partner and I am a good listener. :)

Books do not give you Wisdom. Another Zev’s phrases.

Nothing works when there are so many Chiefs and none Indians. Zev’s phrase. I believe that Argentinean people have to think about that.

It is like put the car before the horse. We can use this phrase to mean that you do not have to hurry and you must live step by step.

You can bring the horse the water but you can’t make him to drink. Kristina told us this phrase in our library information session. She wanted to say: “now you should look for the books and read them!”

Ice Skating at Natrel Ice Rink

Ice skating

With Keyong Hee

Ice Skating

Con la CN Tower atras

Monday, 24 March 2008


Y no es que me olvide! Que conste en actas! Intente en mas de 3 oportunidades llamarte y siempre me daba el Tu tu tu de ocupado! Se ve que estabas a full con todos los preparativos para la noche. Como salio la fiesta? EXCELENTE! me imagino.
Espero que lo hayas pasado de diez y hayas disfrutado un monton.
FELIZ CUMPLE PRIMO QUERIDO y todos los exitos para este nuevo anio!!


La Euge en la CN Tower

Pequenio Videito Casero.... No se quejen.. soy una amateur en el tema de la filmacion aun, pero pueden apreciar la Ciudad de Toronto desde la CN Tower with me.

La Euge en la CN Tower

Y siii... que esperaban? Soy quisquito... y me compre la foto con la que enganchan a todos los turistas... y bue... se sube una sola vez en la vida ahi, no? jajaja

La Euge en la CN Tower

Esta foto la tengo que poner junto a la del Obelisco en Buenos Aires y a la de la Glorieta de la Plaza Libertad en Santiago :)

YUELI 1st Day

YUELI Level Test

YUELI # My classmates

Ayana from Japan (a mi derecha) y Keyong Hee from South Corea (a mi izquierda)

Eaton Center

Eaton Center

Eaton Center

Mas nieve...

Saben que? El primo de Dady Brieva tenia razon. Ver Posteo del 28 de Febrero " Otro diario de viaje.... el de un santafesino".
The snow sucks.

Mis botas nevadas

Mi primera tormenta de nieve > SNOW STORM

My Homestay / YORK Thornhill

My HomeStay

York University

Al fin FOTOS!!!

Eugenia en la Universidad

Esta es la Main Entrance of YORK University.

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Your Life Story in Six Words

Last Saturday I read this article in the Newspapers and I thought that it is a wonderful idea to summarize your life history in only 6 words.

Your life story. In six words
What would you write in your memoir? Can you sum up your life in six words or less? The Star challenged you to find out.

Everyone has a story to tell. Six words is all they need.

That's what editor Larry Smith discovered when he posted a six-word memoir challenge on his website,, in November, 2006, asking readers to write their life story in precisely six words.

Within the first two months, the site received 15,000 replies. The best have been reproduced in a book that has become a New York Times bestseller, aptly named: Not Quite What I Was Planning.

The idea grew out of an Ernest Hemingway legend. Challenged to write a novel in six words, the master of minimalism purportedly came up with: "For Sale: Baby shoes, never worn."

"After Harvard, had baby with crackhead," wrote one reader in response to the memoir challenge. "I still make coffee for two," wrote another.

Smith also solicited memoirs from the famous. "Yes, you can edit this biography," wrote Jimmy Wales, founder of Wikipedia. Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love, wrote: "Me see world. Me write stories."

Smith seems to have struck a chord in the current zeitgeist, unleashing a torrent of self-expression not unlike the one launched by Frank Warren when he began inviting people to write their secrets on the back of postcards. Four books later, the concept is still going strong, at

Here are some of our favourite submissions from readers and a few others.

For sale: Master's degree, never used.
Chris Anderson, Thunder Bay

Mom's schizophrenia changed our family forever.
Lisa Korec, Toronto

Found my soulmate — despite frizzy hair.
Kady Shear, Toronto

Went to France single returned married.
Hellen Mantha, Sarnia

Teleported into adulthood by dad's death.
Adam Preston, Simcoe

Much love to give; no recipient.
Thomas Wong, Richmond Hill

Childhood, motherhood, work, work, work, work.
Yvonne Parti, Toronto

Started out strong, what went wrong?
Robert Smith, Boston

Battled injustice wherever I saw it.
Michel Ladouceur, Kingston

I have exceeded my shelf life.
Raymond Fadel, Toronto

I didn't come here to surrender.
Lloyd Therien, Kingston

Six siblings makes girl grow tough!
Jeanna Chan, Ottawa

Married wrong girl but we're happy.
Simon Leigh, Toronto

I found God in a tipi.
Ian Ross, Penokean Hills

I met my wife on AOL.
Steve Meggeson, Scarborough

I have studied my life away.
David Walia, Brampton

Four kids make life wonderfully chaotic.
Jane Cotnam, Mississauga

Seriously I am who I am.
Michael Cassidy, Vancouver

I have not accomplished much...yet.
Daniel Rudmin, Vancouver

Happily raised two strong successful sons.
Krista von Engelbrechten, Pickering

Overeducated janitor; My ambition lacks ignition.
Chelsea Maloney, Dunnville

Financially good; everything else a bust.
Emanuel Samuel, North York

"Somebody put me on the Internet..."
Russell Peters, Comedian, Los Angeles


Challenging, isn't it? Would you like to try?

This is my attempt: Girl always wondering what, when & why :)

What is yours?

Canadian Values

Miren esta publicidad. Es un comercial de cerveza que exalta la cultura canadiense y la separa y diferencia de la estadounidense. Dicen que este comercial marco tendencia.

These are the lines of the commercial:

I'm not a lumberjack,
or a fur trader...
and I don't live in an igloo
or eat blubber, or own a dogsled...
and I don't know Jimmy, Sally or Suzy from Canada,
although I'm certain they're really, really nice.

I have a Prime Minister,
not a President.
I speak English and French,
NOT American.
and I pronouce it ABOUT,

I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack.
I believe in peace keeping, NOT policing.
DIVERSITY, NOT assimilation,




I am Canadian was the slogan of the Molson Breweries from 2000 until 2005. It was also the subject of an extremely popular ad campaign centred around Canadian nationalism, the most famous examples of which are "The Rant" and "The Anthem". The ads aired in both Canada and the United States. In 2005, shortly after Molson's merger with American brewer Coors, Molson announced that it was retiring the "I am Canadian" slogan.


The film in the airplane

This is the movie that I saw in the plane in my travel from Bs As to Toronto. That is why I will never forget it. Besides that, it has a nice message:

"ACCORDING to all known laws of aviation," says a voice at the beginning of "there is no way a bee should be able to fly." Bees' wings are too short and their bodies too round to make getting airborne very likely. "Bees, of course, fly anyway, because they don't care what humans think is impossible."

Monday, 17 March 2008

Lo que es "No Jugar de Local"

Monday 17th March 2008

I made two mistakes in one saturdays' morning. Awasome!!Amazing!!!

Last Saturday (15 th March 2008) I wanted to go to the gym because I wanted to take my second canadian step class but I couldn't. I arrived late because of two silly mistakes.

That Saturday I got up very early. At 7:30. I made my bed. I got dress. I prepared my bag with all the stuff that I would need and I went upstairs to have breakfast. I ate a peach and I drunk I cup of tea. A very light breakfast for a very early fitness class.

I went to the bus stop. I waited 5 minutes there. I took the bus N 3 " Thornhill/Don Mills" and I arrived to the Promenade in 5 minutes. The Promenode is a shoopping mall where the gym is situated.

When I got off the bus and I crossed the road I realized that I had forgotten my sneackers!!! UPS!!! First Mistake!!!

When I left home I had put "my boots" and my coat on but I had forgotten to pick my sneackers up. So, I needed to return for them. " May be I could be on time for my step class if I hurried" I thought.

I saw the bus and I rushed to take it. I was so concentrated in my sneackers that I did not realize that I had taken the wrong bus!! OUCH!!! That hurted!! Second Mistake!

What a foolish girl! jajaja

As a result, I missed my second canandian step class. However, I had, instead of it, a long a nice bus trip. jajaja.

Two silly mistakes in one morning. Next time I will remember to geto out from my bed with the right leg. ;o)

Thursday, 13 March 2008

Jueves 13 Marzo 2008.

Hoy retomo nuevamente el blog. Desde el lunes no volvia al laboratorio para usar Internet. Y bue... las clases empezaron y 'lamentablemente' en un curso intensivo, ademas de las horas catedra, necesitas unas cuantas horas extra para hacer toda la tarea que dan.

Ademas del 'homework' empezaron las actividades paralelas: grupos de conversacion, excursiones y otras actividades. Ayer, por ejemplo fui al Bisquit Ceramic Studio, un lugar donde uno puede pintar sus porpias piezas de porcelana y llevarselas a su casa. Estuvo muy entretenido, sobre todo porque uno comparte la mesa con estudiantes de otros cursos y diferentes nacionalidades. Conoci a un chico de Turquia que sabia hablar un poquito espaniol por las novelas de Natalia Oreiro. Pueden creerlo? Y solo nos conocen por el Futbol y Maradona. Nuestro 'Argentina For Export' se ha diversificado.

Maniana tengo planeado asistir a los 'Coffe Talks' que es un grupo que se arma para visitar algunos de los cafes mas conocidos de Toronto y sentarse alli a conversar y pasar un buen momento. El sabado quiero volver a mi clase de step del Canadian Women Fitness Club solo para enseniarle algunos de nuestros pasos a la profe canadiense. Y el domingo ya me anote ara el Canadian Maple Syrup Festival.

Con tantas actividades el tiempo pasa volando.... y como aqui los dias siguen siendo cortos, espero con ansias la llegada de la primavera.

Saludos a todos. Y Gracias por visitar el Blog.!

Monday, 10 March 2008

Monday 10 th March, 2008. Fotos.

Para todos aquellos que me estan pidiendo fotos, tengan paciencia!. Recien hace una semana estoy aqui y aun no encontre un lugar donde poder download them de una manera barata! Igualmente, tampoco se aun si las podre subir desde la PC de la universidad.

Hagan este ejercicio: cierren sus ojos y pongan la mente en blanco. No piensen en nada. Solo blanco. Bueno.... asi son los paisajes de mis fotos! jajaja.


Saturday 8th March, 2008. The SNOW STORM!

La Tormenta de Nieve. Nunca vi tanta nieve junta. La gente se mira y se pregunta: Donde vamos a poner tanta nieve? Sinceramente, no hay mas lugar para ella. Hay montanias blancas en cada esquina y sobre los bordes de cada calle y avenidas. Veredas? Olvidalas. Es imposible ser peaton.

Llegue justo para el invierno que pretende marcar un record en la historia! Que privilegio, no?

Hoy veo la nieve y me pregunto: Que pasara cuando se derrita? Espero que despues del snow no nos tape el agua! :o) jajaja.

Por lo pronto, mis botas portenias ya se me mojaron y tuve que comprarme otras. WaterProof. Las pobrecitas estaban preparadas para un invierno bonaerense, no del tipo artico! Y bue.... I needed new ones!

Les copio la noticia del diario> The

The last great winter

Helen Wetherall's photo album has reminders of the snowy day in 1967 when a live wire came down outside her East York house.
'My dad never went to work and everything came to a standstill. It was a different world altogether'
Murray McCulloch was 6 when he suddenly found himself in what felt like another world.
"I remember all the schools being closed and there was absolutely nothing moving at all," said McCulloch, 75, while having lunch at a Mississauga Legion hall on Lakeshore Rd. E. "My dad never went to work and everything came to a standstill. It was like a different world altogether."
It was the winter of 1938 and '39 – the snowiest winter on record for Toronto – when 207.4 centimetres fell at the airport throughout the season.
Weather experts think that with 178.6 centimetres collected already,
this winter might be on its way to breaking that record.
"We have a lot of March left to go that is going to be a little chillier than normal, so even a few more lighter snowfalls could be enough to take us over the record,"
said Geoff Coulson, a warning preparedness meteorologist with Environment Canada

Saturday 8 th March, 2008. I did my First Canadian STEP Class!!!

In the middle of the snow storm, I went to the gym at 9.00 to have my first canadian step class!.

Can you believe it? Me, ' la euge', stepping in the snow! jajaja.

More details about the class can be found in But wait until I can actualize it!

The name of the teacher is Lisa and she wanted me to show her how the step classes look like in Argentina.

Friday, 07 th March 2008: I joined to the Gym!!!!

Unbelievable!!! But it's true!

I am the new member of the 'Women Fitness Club of Canada'. It s a 5 star gym and I only paid USDCAN 19 per month!

Incredible but Real!

Look at this web site:

Every elliptical and every treadmill in this gym have a TV Screen!!!!!! I can work out, practice my listening skills and have fun at the same time!!!

It is amazing, isn't it???!!!

Women’s Fitness Clubs of Canada
1 Promenade Cir. (at Centre St.), Promenade Mall; plus two other GTA locations. •

Popular with the neighbourhood’s Orthodox Jewish community, this spacious women-only gym boasts personal TVs on every treadmill, a large mirrored aerobics studio, a small spinning studio, and a well-equipped weight room with free weights and Cybex, Nautilus and Icarian machines. Situated in the upper level of a former department store, the club benefits from the previous tenant’s architecture, with high ceilings and an atrium that bathes the space in natural light. Classes are popular and run the gamut from introductory strength training and spinning to kick-boxing, disco salsa, yoga and Pilates. The on-site daycare is a bargain at $4 for two hours, and on weekday afternoons it keeps the club filled with mamas on maternity leave sweating off the pounds. Personal training is well priced at $45 per one-hour session (when you buy a package of 10).
How much: initiation fee varies, monthly fee $15–$20.

Friday, 7 March 2008

7 th March, 2008

Yesterday I had dinner with my Canadian Family at 6. Very early, isnt't it? But here is in that way. The menu was: Greek salad (not leaves salad) , Tomato Soup and Pizza.

I would like to write the salad recipe because it was very nice. I am going to make it when i return tu Argentina. The salad has: cucumber, tomato, green pepper, karamata olives and cheesee (like ricotta)

Greek salad, or horiatiki, is a rough country salad of juicy tomatoes, crisp cucumber, sliced red onion, green pepper, crumbly feta cheese and plump kalamata olives. Serve this delightful combination as a side dish or as a light meal with some crusty bread. (WIKIPEDIA)

After that I tasted French Toast and Cheesse Sth (a kind of pancake, I' ve forgotten the name.)

French toast (often known as eggy bread in most of the UK - the exception being Scotland, pain perdu in French, pain doré in French-speaking parts of Canada) is a popular breakfast food in North America and Europe.
French toast is made with bread and eggs; some common additions are milk, water, or orange juice to thin the eggs, sugar, and spices such as allspice, nutmeg and cinnamon. Vanilla may also be added to the egg mixture. In restaurants throughout Canada and the United States, the bread is usually thick white bread made especially for use in French toast; when made at home, regular sliced bread is often used. Although often served as a sweetly spiced dish in the United States, others prefer a savory version, seasoned with salt and pepper instead, or even topped with a melted slice of cheese. (WIKIPEDIA)

Thursday, 6 March 2008

6th March, 2008

Today is a nice day. Snowing has stopped. The temperature is minus 2 which is a nice weather. I had english classes this morning. My teacher, Kristina, speaks very clearly. I understand all she says. However, it is not very easy for me to understand to my classmates because they have different accents. Chinese people are the most difficult to comprehence. Despite that, i have made two friends: Anaya and Keong Hee. Anaya comes from Japan. She lives in Tokio. She is 20 years old and she speaks english very well. Keong Hee is a Korean girl. She is older than Anaya and me but very funny and polite. We have lunch together at the university bar every day after classes.

I just want tell you that I have learnt new vocabulary. The first new word I learnt (at the plane) was SWEETENER (edulcorante) :o) jajaja. After that, SKIM MILK or LOW FAT MILK :o) (Leche descremada) Luckily I am living with a very healthy family. They eat a lot of vegetables and fruits and they works out every day. However, it is so cold here that the body claims for calories.

I miss going to the gym but the days are going very fast here that I dont have time to think about it. May be next week I can try a Fitness Class at the University Fitness Center.

That is a good topic for a future edition of Mercado Fitness Magazine> Universities 's Wellness Center.

That' s all for now.

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

5th March, 2008

I am in an 'Only English Area', so I have to write in English. We had a terrible weather today: my first snow storm. Everywhere I see is white. This morning when I took the bus, the traffic was very complicated. There was a lot of delays and many school classes were cancellated. I had classes at university but my teacher arrived 45 minutes late!. When it is snowing here, people have a complicated day.
Well, I am going to the library now to get some books and then I am coming back home. It is very cold outside to be in the street. I hope Spring comes soon!
Bye Bye

Tuesday, 4 March 2008

La Nieve...

Nunca pense que iba a escribir una composicion sobre LA NIEVE. Pero saben que? Es mejor verla por foto que tenerla al lado!!!.

En este sentido, el primo de Dady Brieva tenia razon. Te resulta lindo ver todo blanco y nevado la primera vez, pero solo esa primera y unica vez. Cuando tienes que convivir con ella el asunto se vuelve muy distinto.

Las veredas estan siempre resbaladizas. Aqui uno convive con el riesgo de patinarse y caerse en cualquier momento. Caminas por las calles como sifueras un pinguino. Si no pisas escarcha, metes la pata en un charco de agua y en cualquier caso, siempre esta frio!!!

Todo el mundo se moviliza en auto. Mi familia canadiense tiene 3, uno para cada uno. Es raro encontrar peatones en la calles despues de las 5 o 6 de la tarde sobre todo en laszonas residenciales o barriales. Si te pierdes o necesitas orientacion, a quien preguntarle? Solo hay nieve a tu alrededor! En ese caso mejor rezar, y que Dios te ayude!!! jajaja. Ya me paso y Dios me ayudo!! jajaja

Todo bien, la nieve es fria pero divertida. Solo es cuestion de aprender a convivir con ella.

Martes 4 de Marzo

Son las 3.46 de la tarde. Por fin pude tener acceso a Internet. Estoy en la Universidad. Ayer, luego del Test de Nivelacion me indicaron cuales van a ser mis horarios de cursada. Por suerte, tengo clases de lunes a viernes de 9 a 13 hs, lo que me permite tener la tarde libre para aprovechar mas el dia. De todos modos, el dia es corto, porque a las 6 oscurece y a esa hora ya debo estar en casa para cenar.

Somos 13 personas en el curso. La mayoria de mis companieros son de origen asiatico: chinos, japoneses, coreanos. Tambien hay personas de Arabia Saudita y de Iran. Todos tienen muy buena onda, pero los diferentes acentos dificultan un poco la comunicacion y comprension. Es hasta que el oido se adapte. La Profesora se llama Kristina y habla muy claramente.

Despues de clase, ya quedamos libres para almorzar, utilizar los laboratorios, hacer la tarea o volver a casa. Tengo que averiguar si puedo hacer uso de las instalaciones del gimnasio aqui. Tienen un centro deportivo y me gustaria al menos pegarle una miradita. Saben que? Hay clases de STEP!!!! Jajaja. Espero pueda probar una para escribir mi experiencia en el otro blog. De todos modos, creo que aqui el STEP no es una actividad en extincion.

La Universidad es enorme. Es una ciudad en si misma. Tiene todo lo que se puedan imaginar. Desde Farmacia, Centro de Salud, Bancos, Patios de Comida, Fast Food y Vegetarian Food, Libreria, Souvenir Shops, Fotocopiadora, Supermercado, Kioscos, etc etc etc. Ayer me reia porque vi a un alumno que salia del super con una docena de huevos para llevarselos a su casa. Pueden creer??? Comprar huevos en la universidad?? Increible!! Buenisimo!!

El domingo pasado estuve en el DOWN TOWN (Centro de la Ciudad). Conoci el EATON CENTRE, un enorme centro comercial. Como veran aqui todo es enorme! Sii!!! Todo es grande, extenso, inmenso. Camine por la avenida principal que aqui se llama Jonge Av. y por la calle Dundas hasta Spadina para llegar al China Town.

El Centro me queda relativamente lejos de donde vivo. Yo estoy en YORK que vendria a ser un distrito diferente pero pegado a Toronto. Para llegar al Down Town tengo que tomar un cole que me acerque a la estacion de subte y luego este hasta donde quiera ir. El sistema de transporte es facil de usar siempre y cuando mas o menos te aprendas las calles principales para orientarte. De todos modos, lo choferes tienen muy buena onda y tratan de ayudarte. Yo ando con mi planito de la ciudad.

Recien es mi cuarto dia en la ciudad y creo que aprendi un monton para tan solo 96 horas!

Saludos a todos y tratare de mantenerlos al tanto de mis aventuras.

Monday, 3 March 2008

Mis primeras noticias

Llegue bien. El vuelo fue OK. En el aeropuerto no me perdi. En ese caso solo es mejor seguir a la masa. La familia es muy amable. Tienen una casa muy linda. Tengo habitacion privada con banio privado. Hace frio, pero el tiempo fue bastante benevolo conmigo. Llegue con 2 grados bajo cero y se mantienen entre los tres bajo cero y los cero grado. Se aguanta, pero hace frio igual. Pica todo el tiempo la garganta. Ya me siento un santiaguenia perdida en Toronto, pero la gente es 'very polite' y preguntando se encuentra rapido el camino. Hoy es mi primer dia de universidad. Ya hice el Level Test y me toco el 5A. En la semana vere si es mi nivel adecuado o debo reacomodarme. Todos mis companieros son asiaticos, de Corea la mayoria. Con el idioma entiendo casi todo, pero me cuesta hablar. Sigo pensando en espaniol, la idea es comenzar a pensar directamente 'in english', eso lo lograre solo con el tiempo. Bueno, todo esta bien por aqui asi que quedense tranquilos. Yo estoy bien and 'I feel good'. That' s the important thing. Muchos besos y en cuanto pueda chequeo mails y les escribo con mas detalles. Ahora estoy en la Universidad (ES ENORME Huge Huge, una ciudad en si misma) y recien maniana me daran mi clave de acceso para entrar libremente a los laboratorios. Muchos besos y hasta la proxima. See you soon. Eugenia
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